Wednesday, January 13, 2010

2 Paper Bag Cook Books...

I am a little Addicted to making Paper Bag Scrapbooks...

I used paper clips to hold the tags in place...

Thank you for looking.
If you have any questions please ask.

Another Paper Bag Album...

Christmas Paper Bag Album I made for a friend...

Back cover...
The 6 pull out tags in the album.

The Front Cover...

Sorry these are out of order.

I haven't really figured out the sight yet.

If you have any questions about the album feel free to ask.

Thank you for looking.


Some of my past scrapbooking projects.

I made this Paper bag album for my 2 years olds 2nd bithday.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

This is my first RAK/Blog Giveaway. I just wanted to give thanks to all of you wonderful ladies out there in scraplandia. I have been so moved and inspired by your kindness and I'm soooo very greatful.I found all these great goodies while visiting friends in Alabama during my christmas getaway.Lots of vintage goodies take a look at my vids.

All you have to do to enter is:
1. Leave me a comment on my blog at
2. Follow my blog her on the beach and at:
3. Subscribe to my YouTube channel.
4. Post a link on your BLOGS about the giveaway.

New Start to Blogging

I am very new to the whole Blog scene, but since it is a new year I thought I would start one and try it out. A little about me I am a single mother of 2 wonderful little girls. I met a wonderful man in Jan. 2008. We are not married but are living together now he is great with my girls and loves them to death. I am addicted to scrapbooking. I love the paper, machines (circut & Slice), the tools, etc. I love to Scrap but I only have one problem I never put any pictures on my work. It is so sad but I can not bring myself to pick out pictures and then make layouts around the pictures. I have a very hard time making layout around pictures. So if anyone has any tips they would like to share please comment and share them.